Welcome to ELIGENDO.

ELIGENDO AG is an executive search company specialising in the assessment and tailor-made recruitment of key personnel. This covers management level and executive board members, as well as high level specialist functions.

So where does the name “Eligendo” originate from? From the Latin. Roman law already drew a distinction between three key principles in leadership tasks. ‘Cura in eligendo’ (care in the selection of adequately qualified employees), ‘Cura in instruendo’ (care in ensuring adequate information and training), as well as ‘Cura in custodiendo’ (care in supervising).

As a result, “Eligendo” summarises our function and mission. Our principal concern is the careful and conscientious search for and selection of qualified managers.

According to the 2025 survey of the Swiss newspaper HANDELSZEITUNG ELIGENDO is one of the leading executive search firms in Switzerland.

Executive Search
Freigutstrasse 40
CH-8001 Zürich

T +41 43 305 05 20

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